I ran the Lake Tahoe 72 mile road race about a month ago. I still debate on if this was a good call. But being the cheap ass I am, I wasn't about to lose the registration fee.
My usual partners in crime were off killing it at Bear 100. I was meeting a friend, Scott, who was also going to run it. I had my brother in-law Charles crew and I suckered my other brother Jordan into pacing.
The adventure began at 10pm. and I wish I could say everything started off great, but I can't. Running through So. Lake Tahoe was OK. I was a little envious of all the rich drunks, and how they eventually got to pass out from an alcohol induced coma in some overpriced hotel. But no that's not the life for me! I was going to run... all night...on road... and I paid money for it. Hell ya!
Once out of town we climbed up, what I was told, to be an 8 mile hill. It felt like 30. On the way up I was having problems with my IT band. The problem being that it hurt like a bitch. This was a new pain for me and I was certain that this was the most intense pain that has ever been experienced in the history of pain. By mile 20 I was ready to drop. Jordan got out to run with us a few miles. I was glad he did, cause I wanted him to get some miles in. He said he was proud of me even though I was going to drop. I started to list off all the races I'd done this year. Complaining about my leg. I was also sick that week. And then it hit me... WTF You're just making up excuses. Stop being a whiny bitch. Who cares what happened yesterday. This is today and this day I am running. Sure it hurt and I had reasons to stop, but how many people never get to feel this?
If I was going to legitimately drop, something must break. I had to justify all whining that spewed from my face. So I ran... hard. I ran like I was winning a 5k. Unfortunately nothing broke. Fortunately, either the pain diminished, or I got desensitized. Both were acceptable. I don't recommend this strategy. I just needed a cool bruise or scar to show off.
The last 50 miles or so were incredible. The full moon was so bright headlamps were only need to alert drunk drivers. It was beautiful. I owned the road and ran down the middle as such. I was relaxed and my pace increased. Charles had crewing down like a professional. My stops at the car were quick and seamless. Jordan would alternate pacing me and Scott. I loved it.
I passed the 50 mile mark. At this point I might as well finish this sucker out. Plus all my family was at the finish. And my crew and friends had worked so hard to get me this far... might as well. Now I had the right excuses. I ran the last 6 miles with Jordan. Charles raced back and forth in the car crewing Scott and I. I finished, kissed my wife, hugged my kids and family. Then I puked mad amounts of Coke and Gu out of my nose.
I would like to brag to you about my split times, placement, and mostly my rock hard six pack abs. But it wasn't about stupid shit like that. It was about doing what I was made to do, with the people I love.
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